Jul 18, 2014

Best free translation apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phone

We scour the world of translation apps to bring you the best on every mobile platform
If you're looking for a free translation app for your smartphone or tablet, you're likely to be overwhelmed by the number available.
So rather than leaving you struggling with your French and confused over your Polish, PC Pro has waded through the apps on iPhone, Android and Windows Phone to pick out the best free translation apps.

Best free translation app for accuracy

Google Translate: Android, iOS and Windows Phone
Google Translate Arabic
When it comes to accuracy, Google Translate is still the best free tool around, whether online or as an app. While it struggles with longer, more complicated sentences, for quick phrase or word checks, it still beats all the other apps tested.
Google Translat Turkish
It is also the most comprehensive of all the apps we tested; there wasn't a single language it didn't recognise or couldn't translate.

Best free translation app for voice recognition

Speak&Translate: iOS
Speak&Translate is a great for speech recognition and translation.
Select your two languages from a sidebar, tap the flag of the language you speak and say whatever it is you want translated. The app will then show on the screen what it heard you say and read out a translation, which it also displays on screen.
One of the major benefits of this translation app is the ability to choose between different dialects of the same language - there are four versions of English available, and two each of French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
This is particularly useful for us Brits, as US-only English often gets confused by our plummy accents.
This app beat all the others when it comes to voice recognition. It easily understood our test sentences, but when it did interpret us incorrectly the first time, a second attempt was normally all it took to set it straight.
Er, not quite...
Speak&Translate bread
Much better
The UI is also aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.
The only serious limitation is the range of languages - we couldn't test any of the Indian languages - and the voice is very robotic. Bizarrely, it also lists Afrikaans as "African".
Speak&Translate also struggled with longer, more complex sentences. However, for simple "phrasebook" style translations it can't be faulted and the accuracy of the translation was extremely high - even the phrases it heard incorrectly first time were quickly translated properly.

Best free translation app all-rounder

Bing Translator: Windows Phone
Bing Translator voice recognition
Bing Translator was far and away the best all-in-one free translation app we tried - it's disappointing that it's only available on Windows Phone.
The app takes phrases for translation via the keyboard, camera and voice recognition, and offline packs can be downloaded and accessed when you've got no internet connection - handy for when you're traveling.
Also, while not as comprehensive as Google Translate's list of languages, it has a solid selection available, with a good geographical range.
Bing Translator history
We found the camera function particularly cool, although you do have to make sure you have the words lined up correctly to get a translation that makes sense.
Bing translator Camera
Bing Translator Camera
Bing Translator Camera
While it's great to have an app that is so comprehensive, including offline functionality, our one complaint would be the voice recognition aspect is limited to four continental European languages, plus US and UK English.

Best free translation app for shortcuts

Translate Pro: iOS
Translate Pro Finnish
Translate Pro is an easy-to- use app that can, like the other apps reviewed here, be used for on-the-fly translation, but also features a phrasebook-style menu down the left-hand side.
Categories include bargaining, ordering food and drink, travel, and even romance - although we can't help thinking whipping out your iPhone before asking "may I kiss you?" might break the mood a bit.
Translate Pro phrasebook menu
It's also easy to choose between any of the 50 languages available, and to switch backward and forward between the selected ones.
Translate Pro Arabic and Language selection
The two main drawbacks of the app are only 11 of the languages in Translate Pro's database are included in "phrasebook" format, and that the number of characters you can enter is limited. This can leave you with truncated sentences or words ("Neth" should be "Netherlands"), or mess with the grammar of some languages a bit if you decide to break the sentence in two.
Translate Pro Arabic cut off

Translation apps: the blooper reel

Google Translate gone wrong
No translation app is going to be 100% flawless, even if it is generally very good.
Under Translate Pro, our comment to our Finnish co-tester that North Korea was reportedly claiming to have won the World Cup was "mental" was translated as "spiritual", while thanks to Google Translate we told our Turkish co-tester someone had a court date, rather than a “trial” in the sense of “testing out”.
And, with all the apps we tested as well as most online translation tools, you do often get a "gist" translation, rather than a grammatically perfect one - especially with longer sentences. But considering how garbled machine translation used to come out, it’s a testament to technology that these were the only howlers.

How we tested the best free translation apps

PC Pro tested a range of apps on iOS, Android and Windows Phone with a native UK English speaker talking (and typing) to native Arabic, Finnish, French, Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu and Turkish speakers.
We chose these languages to make sure there was a good range of writing systems and grammars tested, not only western European languages.
All apps were tested in all nine languages, providing the target language was available, in order to provide a level playing field and find the ones we think work best.

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